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2024 未來科學大獎

2024 Future Science Prize Week

2024 Asian Young Scientist Fellowship (AYSF)
Annual Conference

31 October, 2024
The University of Hong Kong



Opening Ceremony
Opening Remarks by

HKU Representative

  • Xiaobo YIN, Associate Vice President, The University of Hong Kong; Professor, Department of Mechanical Engineering, The University of Hong Kong

AYSF Representative

  • Hong WU, Professor, School of Life Sciences, Peking University; Chair of 2024 Steering Committee, Asian Young Scientist Fellowship
2024 AYS Fellows Award Ceremony
Group Photo
Session I - Life Science

Opening by Life Science Representative

  • Hong WU, Professor, School of Life Sciences, Peking University; Chair of 2024 Steering Committee, Asian Young Scientist Fellowship

• Presentation 1: Soft, Deformable Bioelectronics

  • Mengdi HAN, Assistant Professor, Peking University; 2024 AYS Fellow - Life Science

Presentation 2: Phase Separation in Biology

  • Yi LIN, Associate Professor, Tsinghua University; 2024 AYS Fellow - Life Science

Presentation 3: Expanding the Neoantigen Space to Treat Low Tumor Mutational Burden Cancers

  • Wei WU, Principal Investigator, A*STAR Singapore Immunology Network (SIgN); 2024 AYS Fellow - Life Science

Presentation 4: Leveraging Generative AI to Accelerate Drug Discovery and Development

  • Shuangjia ZHENG, Assistant Professor, Shanghai Jiao Tong University; 2024 AYS Fellow - Life Science
  • 黃定發,香港浸會大學常務副校長、電腦科學系講座教授,美國電腦協會會士,美國電機及電子工程師學會和香港工程科學院院士
主旨演講 1
  • 王曉剛,香港中文大學電子工程系教授,商湯科技聯合創始人、首席科學家
12:15 -14:00
Luncheon (by invitation only)
Venue: Ming Pavilion, Senior Common Room, 14/F, K.K. Leung Building
Topic sharing by invited speaker from industry (TBC)
Session II - Physical Science

Opening by Physical Science Representative

  • Dawei MA, Research Professor, Shanghai Institute of Organic Chemistry; Chair Professor, Southern University of Science and Technology; Chair of 2024 Physical Science Sub-Committee, Asian Young Scientist Fellowship

Presentation 1: Delineating Genome Organization Using Single-Molecule

  • Mahipal GANJI, Assistant Professor, Indian Institute of Science; 2024 AYS Fellow - Physical Science

Presentation 2: Impact of Supramolecular Chemistry on Soft Material Science

  • Jiheong KANG, Associate Professor, Seoul National University; 2024 AYS Fellow - Physical Science

Presentation 3: Molecularly Thin 2D Organic-Inorganic Hybrid Perovskite: Structure, Properties and Device Applications

  • Kai LENG, Assistant Professor, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University; 2024 AYS Fellow - Physical Science

Presentation 4: Entanglement and Locality of Electrons in Solids

  • Hoi Chun PO, Assistant Professor, The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology; 2024 AYS Fellow - Physical Science
Tea Break
Session III - Mathematics

Opening by Mathematics Representative

  • Kaoru ONO, Professor, Research Institute for Mathematical Sciences, Kyoto University, Chair of 2024 Mathematics Sub-Committee, Asian Young Scientist Fellowship

Presentation 1: A Brief Explanation for the K-Stability of Fano Manifolds

  • Kento FUJITA, Associate Professor, Osaka University; 2024 AYS Fellow - Mathematics and Computer Science

Presentation 2: PDE and Geometry

  • Man-Chun LEE, Assistant Professor, The Chinese University of Hong Kong; 2024 AYS Fellow - Mathematics and Computer Science
主旨演講 2
  • 賈佳亞,香港中文大學電腦科學與工程系教授,思謀集團創始人及董事長,美國電子電氣工程師學會會士
主旨演講 3
  • 周以真,哥倫比亞大學常務副校長兼電腦科學教授
主旨演講 4:加速計算和數據訪問助力人工智能應用爆炸式增長
  • 胡文美,英偉達(NVIDIA)高級傑出研究科學家和高級研究主任,伊利諾大學厄巴納-香檳分校AMD Jerry Sanders特聘講座教授,美國電腦協會會士,美國電子電氣工程師學會會士
Tea Break
Session IV - Computer Science

Opening by Computer Science Representative

  • Tim CHENG, Vice-President, Research and Development, Chair Professor of Departments of Electronic and Computer Engineering and Computer Science and Engineering, The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology (HKUST); Chair of 2024 Computer Science Sub-Committee, Asian Young Scientist Fellowship

Presentation 1: Multi-Modal Generative AI with Foundation Models

  • Gao HUANG, Associate Professor, Tsinghua University; 2024 AYS Fellow - Mathematics and Computer Science

Presentation 2: Efficient Deep Learning with Dynamic Neural Networks

  • Ziwei LIU, Assistant Professor, Nanyang Technological University; 2024 AYS Fellow - Mathematics and Computer Science

© The Future Science Prize Foundation

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